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Laura Pausini《One More Time》

one more time 再一次 
----Laura Pausini 

nothing i must do...........无事可从 
nowhere i should be......无处可依 
no one in my life............无人可思 
to answer to but me......唯我自己 
no more candlelight......不再有温馨的烛光 
no more purple skies......不再有紫色的天空 
no one to be near......没有人在我身边 
as my heart slowly dies......我的心慢慢老去 

if i could hold you one more time....假使我再次能拥你入怀 
like in the days when you were mine ...就像在那些你属于我的日子里 
i'd look at you 'till i was blind......我会看着你直到失明 
so you would stay......这样你会留步 
i'd say a prayer each time you'd smile....我祈祷每次你的浅笑 
cradle the moments like a child......像个孩子放入摇篮 
i'd stop the world if only i.......我宁愿静止整个世界 
could hold you one more time.....要是我能再一次拥抱你 

i've memorized your face....记得你的笑靥 
i know your touch by heart....通晓你的灵犀 
still lost in your embrace......在你的拥抱中迷失 
i'd dream of where you are......魂牵梦绕你身在何方 
dream of where you are....魂牵梦绕你身处何方 

原帖/哥哥      推荐/子衿
顶端 Posted: 2009-12-21 12:59 | [楼 主]
落拓居论坛 » 天籁纯音

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