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级别: 管理员
精华: 84
发帖: 10666
威望: 7815 点
金钱: 69439 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 621 点

[转帖]Voice from the Past

Voice from the Past

  It was the kind of voice that you never forget. Deep. Warm. Melodic. Soothing, yet with a hint of laughter hidden in those depths. The kind of voice that sends a pulse racing.

  And that's exactly the effect it had when i heard it again, after five years. But then, it always had.

  My first serious love. But dream don't last, do they?

It was early evening when the phone rang. I was sitting outside, breathing in the scent of roses and lavender. A fragrant mixture that always calmed me at the end of a long day.

  "Katy?" His voice.     Just as it used to be. For a moment, I couldn't reply, and when I did it was ony a whisper. "Ben?" I could imagines his smile. That wide mouth tilting. The corners of his eyes crinkling.   The deep cleft in his cheek he refused to call a dimple.

  "You remember me, then?" I laughed softly.

  "Oh yes, Ben. I remember you. " And love you, I wanted to add.

  "Despite ...." He paused. "Where are you?" I asked him, trying to recognise the background noise.

  "Gatwick.( 盖特威克,伦敦一机场) Just landed. Can we meet up. Katy?" He was here in England. So close. But to meet? No. Not now. Not ever.

  "Please, Katy." The sheer desperation in his words throbbed right through me twisting my heart. My teeth bit into my lips, trying to steady them enough to reply.   "No, Ben. " Silence hung between us. I remembered the pain in his eyes the last time we'd met. The way they had changed from blue to slate. Lifeless and dead. All laughter gone. Were they like that now?

    "Ben?" There was a rustle of sound. The cuff of his jacket maybe, brushing the receiver. "I'm still here." His voice was flat, toneless. The way I'd heard it once before. "And I'm determined to see you, whatever you may say, this time. I need you, katy."  

  Oh, Ben, if you only knew. I wanted desperately to be with you again. To touch your face, your hair.   Feel your warm kiss. Memories ached throught me. "I love you, Katy. I always have. Always will. " And I love you. The words beat in my brain, but i couldn't let them loose. If i did...

  "I'll be there in an hour." "No, Ben. You mustn't." The phone had already clicked down, leaving a faint buzz. I sat, the receiver pressed against my ear, listening to the noise. Willing Ben's voice to continue. It was over. It had to be. I'd made that decision five years before.

  Five years. Was that all it was? It seemed so long ago now. Until then, everything had been good. Too good. We'd met at a TV comedy show. You know the sort ---Where there's a live audience. The girl I shared an office with had tickets, but at the last minute her boyfriend went down with a tummy bug(肚子疼), so she asked me instead. Ben was in the seat next to mine. The show was so hilarious(引人发笑的) that I lost one of my contact lenses with all the laughing. Panic! Then Ben produced one of those mini thorches and found it on my sleeve.

  After the show, we went to a coffee bar. A year later, we were still together --- and then everything went wrong.

  Promotion in his job meant that Ben had to work abroad. Af first, it was just for a week or two at a time. I dreaded him being away. I found it really scary in the flat without him. I started getting tense headaches. Wearing my contact lenses seemed to make them worse. I decided to have them checked. They were like a good-luck charm to me. Without them, I'd never have met Ben. Then-- the bombshell(出人意料的事).

  A new contract in Finland meant that Ben was to work there untiel it was comped. "It could take several year, Katy. We'll get married straight away so you can come with me."   "No." "But it's the only way... " "I'm not coming with you, Ben. I've been trying to tell you for a while now... It's over between us. And this is an ideal opportunity to end it."   I hated the expression on his face. Stunned. All color draining away. It was as though I'd sliced into him with a knife. Nothing he said could change my mind. It had to be this way.

    And now he was back here in England again, coming to see me. I couldn't let that that happen. All I had to do was not open the door. The bell almost shattered my jangled nerves. T hen the rattle on the knocker. I sat, fingers taut round the arms of the wooden seat, trying to breathe in the balm of roses and lavender. I heard the click of the garden gate, then his voice close beside me. Deep. Medodious. Soothing. Gentle.

  "Katy, why didin't you tell me? All this time. If i'd only known, i would never have gone away." His kiss was warm as his lips brushed against my cheek. Slowly,   I reached up, tracing the outline of his face. Touching the softness of his hair. Remembering. Wishing desperately that I could see him again. "Oh, Katy, Katy. This was the reason? You knew?" "It wouldn't have been fair. I loved you too much...." His lips halted my words. " And doubted that I could love you enough if you were blind? Oh, Katy!"

  All I would ever know now was his voice. A voice that revealed so much---- his love, his understanding, his strength.

  I didn't need to see his expression. All I had to do was listen.

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-01 14:17 | [楼 主]

级别: 管理员
精华: 84
发帖: 10666
威望: 7815 点
金钱: 69439 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 621 点

聆 听 爱 情

那是一个让人难以忘怀的声音: 深沉而富有热情, 优美且让人宽慰, 深沉中还隐含着笑意。 属于令人怦然心动的那种声音。

5年后, 当我再次听到这个声音时, 正是这种感觉。 但当时, 一直都是如此。

那是我第一次真正恋爱。 但是好梦总不长久, 不是吗?

一天黄昏时分, 电话响了。 当时我正在屋外闲坐, 呼吸着玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。 这种混合香气总能让我在漫长的一天将尽时平静下来。 “凯蒂?” 是他的声音。 没有一丝一毫的改变。 一时间我无言以对。 然后我只低语道: “本?” 我可以想像出他的笑容。 宽宽的嘴巴歪着, 眼角皱起, 脸颊上露出他拒绝称作酒窝的凹陷。 “那么你还记得我?” 我轻声笑了: “哦, 是的, 本, 我记得你。” 我爱你, 我想补上一句。 “尽管……” 他欲言又止。 “你在哪儿?” 我问他, 并竭力辨识背景噪音。 “盖特威克 (伦敦一机场)。 刚下飞机。 我们能见见面吗, 凯蒂?” 他回来了, 在英国。 离我这么近。 可是要见面? 不, 现在不行, 永远也不行。 “求求你, 凯蒂。” 他话语中深深的绝望震撼着我, 撕裂着我的心。 我紧咬着嘴唇, 努力保持镇静再做出答复。 “不, 本。” 我们陷入沉默。 我想起我们最后一次见面时他眼中的痛苦, 眼睛从湛蓝变成灰蓝, 然后是死一般地毫无生气。 所有的笑声都荡然无存。 此刻又是如此吗?

“本?” 电话那头传来一阵
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-01 14:18 | 1 楼

级别: 贵宾
精华: 17
发帖: 2295
威望: 2711 点
金钱: 25524 银两
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 174 点

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-01 14:48 | 2 楼
热心会员奖 特殊贡献奖

级别: 总版主
精华: 30
发帖: 4694
威望: 4149 点
金钱: 30783 银两
贡献值: 2 点
好评度: 180 点

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-02 04:55 | 3 楼
头衔:聆听.感动 聆听.感动

级别: 总版主
精华: 60
发帖: 6234
威望: 4843 点
金钱: 34767 银两
贡献值: 22 点
好评度: 414 点

聆 听 爱 情
聆 听 感 动
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-02 10:05 | 4 楼

级别: 管理员
精华: 80
发帖: 6512
威望: 6813 点
金钱: 47967 银两
贡献值: 74 点
好评度: 341 点

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-02 15:08 | 5 楼
落拓居论坛 » 情感长廊

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