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青青子衿 2011-01-15 21:01

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青青子衿 2011-01-15 21:03

  奥斯卡电影《三步杀人曲》中的插曲《sutter's mill》(中文译为《萨特的磨坊》),是丹弗格伯特顿的一首乡村名谣,略显苍凉的声音唱出了John西部寻宝的一生。到他向他的Maker,即上帝报到的时候,一分钱也不是他的了。(when old john sutter went to meet his maker,he'd not one penny to his name.)正是那句老话,赤条条地来,赤条条地去,生不带来,死不带去,就这样在世上走了一轮。每次听这首歌都有不同的心境!

  sutter's mill》(萨特的磨坊)是Dan Fogelberg(丹 弗格伯特顿)较有影响力的一首乡村名谣,歌曲以叙事的手法,记讲述磨坊人寻宝命运.略显苍凉的嗓音与稍快的鼓点给人的感觉正如人生步履匆匆,过段引插的口琴,又似隐隐吹奏着人生的无奈……

  天然的西部乡村音乐风格,口琴、班卓、吉他、Dobro、Fiddle的伴奏,再配上Dan Fogelberg那草原落日般的嗓音,让我在第一次听到这首歌的时候不自觉被它那穿越漫漫时空的沧桑感所击倒,而后,当我看到了歌词,我无语。

  百年之前,一队又一队的美国先驱,乘着大蓬车,穿越茫茫大平原和高高洛基山,怀着淘金梦来到西部。百年之后,一队又一队的我们,乘着飞机,飞越烟波浩淼的太平洋来到同一个地方,也许我们各自的想法千差万别,但不可否认,我们都怀着自己的美国梦。百年之前,有人会死在羽箭和枪弹之下,有人会一夜暴富。百年之后,你我中一样有人也会倒在残酷的竞争之下,有人则会功成名就。于是,当听到“Some fell prey to hostile arrows,As they tried to cross the plains. And some were lost in the Rocky Mountains,With their hands froze to the reins.” 我的心中突然涌起一种深深的苍凉之感,你呢?

  故事背景:  萨特的磨坊






  演唱者:Dan Fogelberg

  1951年8月13日出生在美国伊利诺斯州。自幼随祖父修习钢琴及滑音吉他等多种乐器。1971中断了大学的美术专业,投身到加州的民歌界。至此开始了自己的演艺生涯。Dan Fogelberg,是美国歌坛最富浪漫气质的诗人歌手。他的作品具有明朗和谐的旋律及温柔缠绵的歌词,使得Fogelberg的歌具备了一切使人喜爱的条件。 较为严格的讲Dan Fogelderg并不是一位真正意义上的乡村艺人。他的风格横跨了乡村、民谣和摇滚。但这首(Sutter's Mill)无论从体裁(叙事类)、配器(口琴、班卓、吉他、dobro、fiddle等)节奏和旋律上都是一首乡村风格十足的歌曲。


  Sutter's Mill
  Songer:Dan Fogelberg
  In the spring of forty-seven,
  So the story, it is told,
  Old john sutter went to the mill site
  Found a piece of shining gold.
  Well, he took it to the city
  Where the word, like wildfire, spread.
  And old john sutter soon came to wish he'd
  Left that stone in the river bed.
  For they came like herds of locusts
  Every woman, child and man
  In their lumbering conestogas
  They left their tracks upon the land.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  Well, they came from new york city,
  And they came from alabam'
  With their dreams of finding fortunes
  In this wild unsettled land.
  Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows
  As they tried to cross the plains.
  And some were lost in the rocky mountains
  With their hands froze to the reins.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  Well, some pushed on to california
  And others stopped to take their rest.
  And by the spring of eighteen-sixty
  They had opened up the west.
  And then the railroad came behind them
  And the land was plowed and tamed,
  When old john sutter went to meet his maker,
  He'd not one penny to his name.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  And some would curse john sutter's mill
  Some men's thirsts are never filled.

莲儿 2011-01-16 09:59
缓冲了好久好久才看完,看了三遍,呵呵,很酷呀!歌也很好听 [s:163]

雨人 2011-02-10 11:03

雨人 2011-02-10 11:06
(杀人三步曲)  才对

雨人 2011-02-10 11:10
也曾名:墨西哥往事  安东尼奥演这部戏时还很年轻  现在演的戏很有味道  不过没什么人关注

雨人 2011-02-10 11:16
说到歌曲,也没主题曲(加州旅馆)好听  不管是从曲风 还是演唱者的声音 还有浓郁的西班牙风情~~~ 听起让人觉得很释放。。

青青子衿 2011-02-10 20:12
引用第6楼雨人于2011-02-10 11:16发表的  :
说到歌曲,也没主题曲(加州旅馆)好听  不管是从曲风 还是演唱者的声音 还有浓郁的西班牙风情~~~ 听起让人觉得很释放。。

发到论坛来大家听听,嗯?  :) [s:163]

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