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本页主题: 让人感动的音乐Sarah-《Living to love you》 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

头衔:聆听.感动 聆听.感动

级别: 总版主
精华: 60
发帖: 6234
威望: 4843 点
金钱: 34767 银两
贡献值: 22 点
好评度: 414 点

让人感动的音乐Sarah-《Living to love you》

All we had was just one summer

Two lovers strolling in the park

But like they say the world keeps turning

As the leaves were falling we should fall apart

Now I'm waiting for the winter

To build my castle out of ice

And deep inside this massive building

There's a crystal lake of all the tears I've cried

Baby for all my life,

Don't you know that it's true

I'm living to love you

So baby don't think twice,

If you feel what I feel

Trust your heart and do what I do

Cause I'm living to love you

I'm living to love you

When you're gone, it's not forever

Cause you're remaining in my heart

So tell me why I feel this aching

Every time I think of you when we're apart

Baby for all my life,

Don't you know that it's true

I'm living to love you

So baby don't think twice,

If you feel what I feel

Trust your heart and do what I do

I'm living to love you, yes ?

I admit that from time to time

I'm feeling insecure and think I'm gonna lose my mind

Don't let it show, no

No, no-no-no, no, no

I don't think I'll ever understand

That our love should never have a happy end

So I'm really gonna try my best to let you know

To let you know

(Baby for all my life)

(Don't you know that it's true)

I've been knowing it's true ?

(I'm living to love you)

I'm living to love you

(So baby don't think twice)

Think twice

(If you feel what I feel B

Trust your heart, do what I do)

When the final day comes I know the angels

They will see my smile

And if they wanna know the reason

I will tell them why

Baby for all my life, ohh yes

I'm living to love you

[mp=1]http://edu.qq.com/music/hjenglish/20041116175551443.mp3 [/mp]
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-05 16:55 | [楼 主]

级别: 管理员
精华: 84
发帖: 10666
威望: 7815 点
金钱: 69439 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 621 点

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-07 11:24 | 1 楼
落拓居论坛 » 音乐银河

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