落拓居论坛 » 音乐银河 » my love

级别: 贵宾
精华: 1
发帖: 2247
威望: 1350 点
金钱: 18177 银两
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 86 点
朋友圈: 落拓

my love

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-25 13:02 | [楼 主]

级别: 秀才
精华: 0
发帖: 114
威望: 209 点
金钱: 13649 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 0 点

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-25 13:43 | 1 楼
头衔:聆听.感动 聆听.感动

级别: 总版主
精华: 60
发帖: 6234
威望: 4843 点
金钱: 34767 银两
贡献值: 22 点
好评度: 414 点

my love

歌手:westlife 专辑:coast to coast

an empty street an empty house
a hole inside heart
i'm all alone and the rooms
are getting smaller
i wonder how i wonder why
i wonder where they are
the days we had
the songs we sang together
and oh! my love
i'm holding on forever
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
i try to read i go to work
i'm laughing with my friends
but i can't stop to keep myself
from thinking
i wonder how i wonder why
i wonder where they are
the days we had
the songs we sang togetther
and oh! my love
i'mholding on forever
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
to hold you in my arms
to promise my love
to tell you from my heart
you are all i'm thinking of

reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
and hope my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-25 13:43 | 2 楼
落拓居论坛 » 音乐银河

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