落拓居论坛 » 音乐银河 » 天籁纯音 » Take my breath away(带走我呼吸)
本页主题: Take my breath away(带走我呼吸) 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


级别: 贵宾
精华: 25
发帖: 1116
威望: 1795 点
金钱: 36300 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 154 点

Take my breath away(带走我呼吸)

唱跳结合的流行歌手Jessica Simpson生长在美国得克萨斯州的达拉斯城,她作为一名教会合唱团的成员开始了她的歌唱生涯,在教会的青年合唱团的巡回演出中,一举成名。

Take my breath away

Watching every motion
In my foolish lover’’s game
On this endless ocean
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Take my breath away
Watching I keep waiting
Still anticipating love
Never hesitating
To became the fated ones
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Through the hour glass I saw you
In time you slipped away,
When the mirror crashed I called you

And turned to hear you say
If only for today, I am unafraid
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Watching every motion
In this foolish lover’’s game
Haunted by the notion

Somewhere there’’s a love in flames
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Take my breath away

[ 此贴被水麦田在2006-05-14 15:13重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2006-05-14 15:08 | [楼 主]

级别: 贵宾
精华: 25
发帖: 1116
威望: 1795 点
金钱: 36300 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 154 点

顶端 Posted: 2006-05-14 15:15 | 1 楼

级别: 管理员
精华: 84
发帖: 10666
威望: 7815 点
金钱: 69439 银两
贡献值: 1 点
好评度: 621 点

好美的歌,沉浸其中~~Take my breath away
顶端 Posted: 2006-05-15 21:39 | 2 楼
落拓居论坛 » 天籁纯音

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